Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reuse, Recycle and Bless Others

What has 10 wheels, drinks diesel fuel, is retired and goes up and down the east coast? If you guessed Bob Lester and his truck then were correct. Bob Lester lives in Kentucky but he will move domestic shipments for the cost of fuel and a small donation.

ETS is a drop off location for Bibles, VBS materials, Sunday School quarterlies, Christian books, Christian videos,and audio tapes. Whenever Bob is in the area, he will call us to see if we have any materials that need to be transported to Edwin L. Hodges Ministries in Decatur, Alabama. The used Bibles, literature and hymnals are shipped to Bible schools, Bible colleges, seminaries, churches, missionaries and individuals worldwide. According to Hodges' ministry one used Bible will have an impact on at least 20 people.

Charlie and Earl loaded 10,500 pounds of literature and materials on Bob's truck during his last visit. We strongly urge you to check with your church and see what happens to your Sunday School materials, VBS supplies, and other literature. Rather than throw it out, why not bless other Christians you may never meet this side of heaven?

Thank you for supporting us to we can support other ministries to proclaim the "Good News" world wide.

The ETS Staff

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