Saturday, March 22, 2014

Love those Pioneer Girls

     Every year we are so blessed to have the Challenger Pioneer Girls from Silver Springs, Maryland  invade our building.  I like to refer to them as “cleaning tornados.”  True to form they took on three major tasks we gave them to do.  One was working in our clothing pile boxing and sorting used clothing.   They enjoy finding and mixing up outrageous outfits for an evening out on the town (our local Cracker Barrel). 

     They also were very helpful boxing and sorting supplies from a doctor’s office that was donated to ETS.  The girls boxed like items together and made an inventory so we can list them for other ministries that may be looking for  medical supplies.

     They also worked on counting and sorting a tractor trailer load of Spanish educational materials .  They inventoried them writing down the title, number of copies and their location.  

       None of the tasks were hard but all are definitely time consuming. We appreciate groups that are as highly motivated as these teens.  The girls drive to ETS Friday night, work all day Saturday and go back Sunday morning.  Some of the original girls are now leaders.

     Most of our projects are completed by volunteers.  


Prayer Requests:

· Please pray for several vehicles that we would like to sell for ministry use.
· Pray for regular weekly volunteers especially since the weather is improving.
· Pray for Keith as he travels picking  up and delivering items.