It is always good to look back over the year and thank God for His faithful direction and provisions. Your encouragement through your prayers, gifts and volunteering has been vital to the health of this ministry and its outreaches. Because of your faithfulness ETS was able to help 1886 clients in 48 different countries this past year. We were able to send 3 tractor trailer loads of used clothing and medical supplies to Jezreel Ministries International, a ministry that works in Eastern Europe with Jewish refugees.
ETS sponsored several projects this past year. We were able to send $5,000 to Galcom International who is partnering with Far East Broadcasting Company to provide low power Christian FM radio stations and solar powered fixed tuned radios to give to victims of the Philippines super typhoon Haiyan.
ETS teamed up with Christ for All Peoples to supply the Jesus Video DVD and a trained volunteer to go door to door welcoming immigrants and giving them a DVD in their language. We were able to donate $7500 to this ministry because of your giving.
The Milton Driver Memorial fund for the purchase of Bibles for Ohene Kumi’s ministry raised $1220 . ETS will be applying this money for the purchase of the Daily Walk Bible New Living Translation to this ministry of school age children in Ghana, Togo and Liberia. The Daily Walk Bible offers a simple daily reading plan and tools to see how the Bible fits together.
Thank you for your time, money, prayers and support. We look forward to partnering with you in 2014. The ETS STAFF