Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Typewriters for Haiti

When does something obsolete and 50+years old become cutting edge technology?  When it’s needed in the 3rd world because it’s uniquely designed to meet their need!  We just sent 12 refurbished manual typewriters to Haiti in December for use by Lumiere Ministries.  This required finding repairable machines in our typewriter room (not difficult because we have such a good supply!), repairing them, and rewinding ribbons for them (ribbons are no longer easily available for this “dinosaur” technology.)
     For those of you not familiar with manual typewriters, these are what many of us used to use   before computers!  They are a way to type letters without electricity.  This makes them useful in Haiti, a country where electricity is not always available or reliable.  
     Dirk and Karen Martin with Lumiere Ministries will use these machines in a ministry to visually impaired students.  Their goal is to provide teacher training and some adaptive materials to the Special School of Les Cayes, which has around 20 blind students as well as sighted students.     

     Your support for our ministry is blessing “Limye Pou Moun Aveg Yo” (Light For Those Who Are Blind).  Thank you for partnering with us, in praying for us and for providing our financial support which makes all this  possible.