A word from Keith Jones
When was the last time you received life changing news? Was it the birth of a new baby, a good prognosis, or a financial blessing?
How would you like to be a part of sharing the Gospel with 500,000 high school students in Ghana? Not only is the government of Ghana allowing the distribution of the Bibles in the schools but this also comes with the blessing and full cooperation of the former President and First Lady of Ghana, Dr. Ernestina Naadu Mills. She even wrote an introductory letter in the Bible to the students. Can you imagine the impact of the Word of God on the future leaders of Ghana?
The Ghana Bible Society has a goal to distribute one million Bibles to students in all public Junior High Schools in the country by the end of 2012. So far it has distributed eight hundred and twenty three thousand (823,000) Bibles to students since 2007. The Ghana Bible Society wants to commemorate Ghana’s golden jubilee anniversary by reaching out to the junior high students with the Word of God.
Tyndale House Publishers has created a Ghana Student Bible with a glossy, faux leather cover featuring the Ghanian national colors of red, yellow and green. ETS has purchased 3000 of these Bibles that will be shipped directly to pastor Ohene Kumi in Ghana for distribution. Read on to find out how you can be a part of changing lives, futures and bringing the best news that anyone has ever received.
Keith Jones