Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Never Pay Retail

Charlie likes to tell our customers …..”Remember NPR!”

No , that’s not National Public Radio.

What he means is “Never Pay Retail.”

A major part of our work is helping ministries find appropriate resources at the lowest cost possible. Sometimes we are able to donate items. But usually we buy things at unusually low prices and pass the savings on.

Does is make a difference?

One example is a ministry that buys Bibles, books and other items for use in Honduras . Steve Zimmerman has been getting items from Equipping the Saints for several years.

The total of his most recent order of 2,662 Bibles and books with our normal discount prices came to $26,658.25. Our special discount for large orders reduced Steve’s cost to $17,661.20. That’s a 75% savings over the retail price.

Yes, that’s still a LOT of money

But the retail price for the same order would be $69, 265.38

Does “NPR” make a difference? Ask Steve!

Your encouragement through your prayers and gifts enable us to bless others.

Please continue to pray for urgently needed staff.

The needs and opportunities before us are far beyond our current staff’s abilities to meet.

Thanks for helping others. The ETS STAFF

  Prayer Request:

  • Pray for more full time staff or for weekly volunteers to help with the work load
  • Pray for the health and safety of our current staff.
  • Pray for a "home" for two trucks and 6,000 pounds of Christian literature that has been donated.