Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ghana Bibles

A word from Keith Jones

  When was the last time you received life changing news?  Was it the birth of a new baby, a good prognosis, or a financial blessing?

     How would you like to be a part of sharing the Gospel with 500,000 high school students in Ghana?  Not only is the government of Ghana allowing the distribution of the Bibles in the schools but this also comes with the blessing and full cooperation of the former President and First Lady of Ghana, Dr. Ernestina Naadu Mills.  She even wrote an introductory letter in the Bible to the students.   Can you imagine the impact of the Word of God on the future leaders of Ghana?  

     The Ghana Bible Society has a goal to distribute one million Bibles to students in all public Junior High Schools in the country  by the end of 2012.  So far it has distributed eight hundred and twenty three thousand (823,000) Bibles to students since 2007.  The Ghana Bible Society wants to commemorate Ghana’s golden jubilee anniversary by reaching out to the junior high students with the Word of God.
Tyndale House Publishers has created a Ghana Student Bible with a glossy, faux leather cover  featuring the Ghanian national   colors of red,  yellow and green.  ETS has purchased 3000 of these Bibles that will be shipped directly to pastor Ohene Kumi in Ghana for distribution.  Read on to find out how you can be a part of changing lives, futures and bringing the best news that anyone has ever received. 
   Keith Jones

Happy for Help

What do you call a group from Savannah Christian Church that drove 10 hours to come sort clothing and move items out of storage for us?  We call them family, as many of them keep coming back!  We were very blessed to have 11 people from Late Church to help us out over a long weekend.

     It’s nice to have strong guys and girls to help us sort out a storage unit so that we were able to get out of it entirely.  This storage unit costs $160 every month and the items stored in it had been stored for at least a year.  What a blessing to be able to use that revenue for other items that can be used in ministry. Many of the items in storage will be recycled for scrap metal and the other items were relocated to other storage units.

     The group stayed at the mission and enjoyed the area sights and  local food.  We tell people that those that come to work with us sleep really well at night.  Maybe we worked them too hard?  Thanks  Savannah Christian!  Same time next year? 
  The ETS Staff

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Never Pay Retail

Charlie likes to tell our customers …..”Remember NPR!”

No , that’s not National Public Radio.

What he means is “Never Pay Retail.”

A major part of our work is helping ministries find appropriate resources at the lowest cost possible. Sometimes we are able to donate items. But usually we buy things at unusually low prices and pass the savings on.

Does is make a difference?

One example is a ministry that buys Bibles, books and other items for use in Honduras . Steve Zimmerman has been getting items from Equipping the Saints for several years.

The total of his most recent order of 2,662 Bibles and books with our normal discount prices came to $26,658.25. Our special discount for large orders reduced Steve’s cost to $17,661.20. That’s a 75% savings over the retail price.

Yes, that’s still a LOT of money

But the retail price for the same order would be $69, 265.38

Does “NPR” make a difference? Ask Steve!

Your encouragement through your prayers and gifts enable us to bless others.

Please continue to pray for urgently needed staff.

The needs and opportunities before us are far beyond our current staff’s abilities to meet.

Thanks for helping others. The ETS STAFF

  Prayer Request:

  • Pray for more full time staff or for weekly volunteers to help with the work load
  • Pray for the health and safety of our current staff.
  • Pray for a "home" for two trucks and 6,000 pounds of Christian literature that has been donated.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More Supplies for Jezreel International

Shalom Aleichem!  This is a  traditional Jewish greeting, meaning “peace unto you.”  Since we know the Prince of Peace, Our Lord Jesus Christ, it has  special meaning to us as Christians.

ETS had the opportunity recently to share this peace Christ offers to Jews in Israel, with a shipment we sent with Jezreel International. Wednesday night, October 10, we had members from 3 different Mennonite churches gather with us to load a 52 foot tractor trailer with clothing, hospital furniture and medical supplies.

We sent almost 16,000 pounds of clothing, 136 computers, gurneys, exam tables, cribs, over the counter medications and other medical and hospital items.  These items were requested by ministries in Israel, who want relief items to used for “after the war”.  (There is a  definite expectation in Israel that a battle is going to take place.      Although none of us want to see this happen, we are glad to be able to supply these much needed items for future use.)

We are commanded in Scripture to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Will you join us in praying this prayer, and in praying that the items we sent will be used for the glory of God and for the extension of His Kingdom?

Thank you for your support and prayers that made this shipment possible.    
                                The ETS Staff

Thursday, September 6, 2012

ETS Reaching Out to Bolivia

    Our ministry at ETS is to provide materials, equipment and information to missionaries world wide.  We rarely get to see the impact of our work  or get follow up reports.    We are excited to share the impact of  a six member medical team to Bolivia headed up by Dale and Kathy Mast of YWAM (Youth with a Mission).  

    The team  held a clinic for church members of Morros Blanco in Tarija near the border of Argentina.  Dr. Conrad Zapanta  was able to  attend, pray over and give out donated medications to  church members, friends and neighbors of the church.  The team was also invited by the chaplain of a local prison to share in a worship service and to also treat the medical needs of 54  prisoners.  ETS has donated over the counter medications, and medical   supplies to Dr. Zapanta for many of his medical mission trips.

     The team was also able to serve in a jungle town of San Borja in the Amazon.  The clinic was held in a Christian School with grades K-7.  Dr. Zapanta saw 75  patients at this location.
     ETS was able to provide Spanish Bibles and Christian literature for children in Spanish, along with sports equipment.  We delight in seeing ministries equipped and the gospel proclaimed among the nations.

      Thank you for your prayers and support that enable us to purchase materials and supplies that our missionaries  can use to reach the lost for Jesus.  We appreciate your partnership with us.

The ETS Staff

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Different Kind of Ministry

You may have seen them:  School buses loaded with “stuff” and often towing another bus or truck or pickup…
  We often see them rolling down I-81 on their way to Mexico and beyond.

     It’s a business that sometimes offers ministry opportunities.

     Last week Pedro Jose Montufar Paz (more commonly known as “Gerson”) stopped in to load items destined for ministries in Guatemala.  Gerson makes the trip from New Jersey to Chimaltenango, Guatemala once a month.  His wife also often drives one bus while towing another.

     In addition to hundreds of Bibles and Scripture portions, Gerson also loaded 200 Matthew Henry commentaries for a pastors’ seminar, a 5400 watt Craftsman generator, microwave, electric guitar, Peavey sound system, wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers.

The trip takes 8 to 10 days, depending on weather, traffic, breakdowns and crossing international borders.  Drug traffickers that  demand “tolls” can also be a challenge.

Gerson is a brother in Christ.  We look forward to working with him to supply some of the needs of ministries south of our border.

The ETS Staff