Sunday, January 2, 2011

Operation World 2010

Operation World 2010 edition is now available at ETS for $12.50 . Operation World is the ultimate prayer guide to every nation on the earth. If you want to have a powerful and meaningful prayer life, if you want to impact the nations for Christ through prayer - then this is the book for you.

When you hear a country mentioned in the news or in a conversation and want to know more about it and what God is doing there- this book will help you. Every fact, number and statement is checked and rechecked with global and local experts in each field.

Operation World has easy to follow summaries of every nation.

Such as:
  • Timely challenges for prayer and specific answers to prayer
  • Updates on church growth, with a focus on evangelism
  • Population, people groups and language statistics
  • Charts and maps showing global religious and demographic trends
  • Explanations of major currents in economics, politics and society
It is loaded with clear, concise, accurate information on peoples, languages, religions, denominations, spiritual trends and prayer needs-for every country in would, from the largest to the smallest.

If taking on the prayer needs of the entire world is too much for you, be encourage. Operation World has target countries to pray for on a daily basis. If you use it daily, you will successfully pray for the entire world in a year.

Mark 14 tells the story of the woman who anointed Jesus' head with costly perfume. Many were angry at the waste of her action and scolded her for her wastefulness. Jesus, in verse 8 said, "She has done what she could..." I can't change the would but I can pray and corporate prayer can change the world.

"When we work, we work
When we pray, God works"

January 12th marks the one year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. As you think and pray for Haiti we pray that you might use the actual information from Operation World to guide your prayers or Haiti.


The ETS Staff

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Operation World : Haiti


Area: 27,400 sq. km
Western third of the island of Hispaniola; shared with the
Dominican Republic
Population: 10,188,175
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Population under 15 years: 36%
Life Expectancy: 61 years

Economy: The poorest state in the Western Hemisphere, aggravated by overpopulation, deforestation (only 2% of original forest remain), soil erosion, pollution and hurricanes. Around 75% live on less than $2/day, and two thirds are under or unemployed. Political instability and violence prevent proper aid distribution and long-term investment. The 2010 earthquake devastated much of what little economic infrastructure did exist. After this disaster, it will take billions of dollars and many years of stability, coupled with sustained redevelopment, to see any long-term economic progress. Major source of income include remittances from expatriate Haitian and now aid, relief and development funds earmarked for earthquake recovery. Income/person $790

Answer to Prayer

The spiritual response to the tragedy of 2010 earthquake was an almost universal outpouring of prayer, repentance and calling upon God for mercy and deliverance. Out of the disaster, God appears to be doing something radical and new among the people of Haiti. Reports abound that the three days of prayer and fasting called for by the president -replacing February 2010 Mardi Gras-were attended by over one million people.

Challenge for Prayer

The earthquake of 2010 was a disaster on many levels. But it also offers hope out of tragedy It is believed that 230,000 lost their lives, 300,000 were injured and over 1,000,000 were rendered homeless. Hundreds of thousands of homes and buildings were also destroyed, including some major government buildings. Aid arrived from around the world, but coordination was difficult in the aftermath of the earthquake, and assistance will be needed for a long time to come. For a host of reasons Haiti has struggled as a nation from its very inception. This shattering disaster could be an opportunity to reshape not just the physical infrastructure of the nation, but the cultural, economic, political and societal infrastructures as well. Some points to cover in prayer include:

A) The rebuilding efforts will take years. Countless homes will need to be rebuilt or restored; the sheer scale of money and manpower needed is staggering for the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation. Pray for the best long term development for the city and nation, rather than quick fixes.

B) The human suffering was immense in the immediate aftermath and will continue for years. The shared emotional trauma of the events, the massive loss of life and the long term injuries will all leave major scars on the Haitian population. Healing from such hurts needs time, care and the love of God.